ADR UK's governance structures have been designed to be robust, flexible and responsive, to help ensure we are on track to meet our objectives and to guide good practice across the partnership.
The Strategic Hub coordinates the ADR UK partnership and manages a dedicated research budget for commissioning projects using administrative data in line with ADR UK’s research themes. Members of the Strategic Hub are listed under Our People.
Programme Delivery Board
The Programme Delivery Board (PDB) oversees overall delivery of the strategic objectives of ADR UK, including the development of an effective partnership. The PDB provides programme assurance to the Senior Responsible Officer (SRO) through its oversight of the strategic development of ADR UK, scrutiny of its plans and milestones, and monitoring of its delivery performance.
Members of the PDB include Alison Park, ESRC; Andrew Morris, HDR UK; Ed Humpherson, UK Stats Authority; Ann Marie Mallon, Ellison Institute of Technology; Emma Gordon, Director of the ADR UK Strategic Hub; Professor Jane Falkingham, University of Southampton; Jen Gold, ESRC; Mark Brewin, HMRC; Mike Daly, DWP; Pete Benton, ONS; Professor Philip McCann, Sheffield University; Susan Simon, Medical Research Council.
Leadership Committee
The Leadership Committee (LC) brings together the accountable leads from ADR UK’s partners to develop and agree the strategic direction of ADR UK, and to develop the policies necessary for successful delivery. It is responsible for approving the evidence collected by the Operational Management Group (OMG) to support self-assessment across the partnership.
Members of the LC include Chris Dibben, University of Edinburgh; David Ford, Swansea University; Aideen Maguire, ADR NI, Jamie Murphy, ADR NI, Queen's University Belfast; Emma Gordon, ADR UK; Bill South, ONS; Alastair McAlpine, Scottish Government; Steph Howarth, Welsh Government; Philip Wales, ADR NI/NISRA.
Operational Management Group
The Operational Management Group (OMG) is the forum for monitoring and reporting of all operational matters of ADR UK. It also takes actions arising from the ADR UK Performance Management Framework, and is responsible for gathering evidence to support self-assessment across the partnership.
The OMG and the LC are two groups with a common goal, but different responsibilities. The OMG acts under instruction from the LC to provide solutions and assurances, in particular with respect to the operational implications of the policies and strategies discussed and decided there, and at other governance boards.