David Ford

David Ford

Co-Director, ADR Wales (Swansea University)

David is Professor of Informatics at Swansea University and Co-Director of ADR Wales. David leads the SAIL Databank and is also responsible for the development and use of Swansea’s Secure e-Research Platform (SeRP). David is the principal investigator and Director of the Multiple Sclerosis Register and is also the deputy Director of the Health Data Research UK (HDR UK) site for Wales and Northern Ireland. David is Co-Investigator on a number of research grants including Healthwise Wales, Challenging Human Environments and Research Impact for a Sustainable and Healthy Digital Economy (CHERISH-DE) and National Centre for Mental Health (NCMH). David is an active member of numerous committees, including the ADR UK Leadership Committee, and national bodies relating to health informatics and health-related research. 

Sarah Lowe

Head of Project Development & Impact, ADR Wales (Welsh Government)

Sarah is the Head of Project Development and Impact for the Welsh Government part of ADR Wales. Sarah led the Welsh Government Programme to Maximise the Use of Existing Data from 2009-2018, succeeding in acquiring several rounds of ESRC funding to deliver policy-related data linking projects for Wales. Before this, Sarah led the Welsh Government Surveys Team, being closely involved in the development of the Living in Wales 2008 survey and has had roles in various social research co-ordination and delivery functions of Welsh Government since 2001. For the first five years of her 24-year career in the Government Statistical and Social Research Services, Sarah worked at the Office for National Statistics (1995-2000), delivering the National Diet and Nutrition Survey: young people aged 4 to 18 years.

Jon Smart

Head of Programmes, ADR Wales (Swansea University)

Jon is Head of Programmes and Chief Operating Officer in Swansea University Data Science. Jon is an experienced senior manager who has successfully delivered a wide range of large strategic programmes and projects in the public, private and third sectors across the UK and internationally. Jon is a Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute (FCMI) and a PRINCE2©, MSP©, and Agile© registered practitioner and SCRUM Master©. Jon’s role is to manage all aspects of delivery of Swansea University’s role in ADR Wales, and, with colleagues in Welsh Government, to input into the operations of ADR UK.

Faye Gracey

Head of Data Acquisition and Linking for Research (Welsh Government), ADR Wales

Faye leads a new unit within the Welsh Government, created in 2022. This includes the existing Administrative Data Research Unit – Wales (ADR Wales) and the new Administrative Data Research Major Projects and Project Development Unit. Faye leads on UK-level data acquisition negotiations and is responsible for the strategic direction of data linking on behalf of the Welsh Government. She is also part of the senior leadership team for statisticians and social researchers within the Welsh Government. Faye has nearly 20 years of experience working in analytical posts across a range of policy areas, and has worked for a private research agency, inspectorate, charity, and the media.

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