Aideen Maguire
Aideen Maguire
Co-Director, ADR Northern Ireland

Dr Aideen Maguire is a Psychiatric Epidemiologist by training and currently a Lecturer in Social Epidemiology within the School of Medicine at Queen’s University Belfast. She is Co-Director of ADR Northern Ireland and runs the team of research specialists within ADRC Northern Ireland from Queen's University Belfast and Ulster University who are focused on delivering high-quality and impactful evidence that supports policy and practice in Northern Ireland. The ADRC research portfolio includes work examining income, poverty, deprivation, education, air pollution, the built environment, children in care, homelessness, the justice system, and mental ill health. Aideen is Co-Investigator on a number of research grants leading themes utilising administrative data to better understand population health and wellbeing such as the Northern Ireland Longitudinal Study (NILS), Groundswell, MuM-PreDiCT and Behavioural Research UK. Aideen is an active member of numerous committees, acting as an independent academic advisor on the Northern Ireland APG for Mental Health and the APG for Suicide Prevention, and is also a member of the ADR UK Leadership Committee. Aideen began her current role in October 2023 after the untimely death of her beloved colleague and predecessor, Prof Dermot O’Reilly, who led ADRC NI since its inception in 2014.