Albert Heaney

Chief Social Care Officer for Wales, Welsh Government

Albert Heaney

Albert Heaney CBE, is the Chief Social Care Officer for Wales, Welsh Government. Albert has worked in Public Services since the 1980’s. He qualified as a social worker in 1988 and initially worked in practice before moving into managerial roles. He has lead a busy government policy directorate delivering legislation and policy including the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act. Albert is a member of the Family Justice Board and Chair of the Family Justice Network Wales. Prior to his current post, Albert covered as Deputy Director General for Health and Social Services during the pandemic. He is a former Corporate Director leading on Children’s and Adults Services and a former President of the Association of Directors of Social Services Cymru (ADSS Cymru). Albert has represented ADSS Cymru in a number of roles including, a Lead Director for Children and a Lead Director for Safeguarding and Prevention. Albert is a former Chair of the Children’s Safeguarding Board and of the Area Adult Protection Committee. Albert is committed to promoting and ensuring citizen rights and inclusive practice, which brings a commitment to working in partnership. He has also been actively involved in a range of collaboration and integration initiatives. Albert is learning Welsh and is co-chair of the Welsh Language in Health and Social Services Partnership Board.