David Ford

Co-Director, ADR Wales (Swansea University)

David Ford

David is Professor of Informatics at Swansea University and Co-Director of ADR Wales. David leads the SAIL Databank and is also responsible for the development and use of Swansea’s Secure e-Research Platform (SeRP). David is the principal investigator and Director of the Multiple Sclerosis Register and is also the deputy Director of the Health Data Research UK (HDR UK) site for Wales and Northern Ireland. David is Co-Investigator on a number of research grants including Healthwise Wales, Challenging Human Environments and Research Impact for a Sustainable and Healthy Digital Economy (CHERISH-DE) and National Centre for Mental Health (NCMH). David is an active member of numerous committees, including the ADR UK Leadership Committee, and national bodies relating to health informatics and health-related research.