Flagship datasets

ADR UK flagship datasets are of significant research value and we anticipate will have wide appeal to researchers. This is integral to our mission to enable research that has the potential to lead to better informed policy decisions and more effective public services. 

The flagship datasets are findable in the ADR UK Data Catalogue and available for all accredited researchers to apply to access via one of ADR UK’s trusted research environments. They have approved legal gateways for research and are publicly documented. There is also available guidance for anyone producing documentation for ADR UK flagship datasets


Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings linked to PAYE and Self-Assessment data – England, Scotland and Wales

This dataset links the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) to Pay As You Earn (PAYE) and Self-Assessment data provided by His Majesty’s Revenue & Customs (HMRC). The linkage of ASHE with the PAYE data helps to address information gaps concerning changes in the labour market within the 12-month intervals between ASHE surveys. This has the potential to enhance our understanding of earnings and labour market transitions in Britain. Linking ASHE to PAYE and SA allows us to understand better a person’s whole interaction with the labour market.

Looked After Children Longitudinal Dataset - Scotland

This dataset brings together data of care placements and the legal basis for children being in the care of local authorities across Scotland. This allows understanding of changes in the patterns of care over time and geography, and the relationship with children’s characteristics including ethnicity, disability, and religion.