Flagship datasets

ADR UK flagship datasets are of significant research value and we anticipate will have wide appeal to researchers. This is integral to our mission to enable research that has the potential to lead to better informed policy decisions and more effective public services. 

The flagship datasets are findable in the ADR UK Data Catalogue and available for all accredited researchers to apply to access via one of ADR UK’s trusted research environments. They have approved legal gateways for research and are publicly documented. There is also available guidance for anyone producing documentation for ADR UK flagship datasets


Business Data for Research 2021 – Northern Ireland

Business Data for Research (BDR) 2021 is a de-identified linked dataset that contains information on businesses in Northern Ireland, such as employees, turnover, employment costs, working patterns, and sales and exports. It covers the period 2014 to 2021.

Earnings and Employees Study 2011 - Northern Ireland

The Earnings and Employees Study 2011 links together variables from the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) 2011 with variables from the Census of Population and Housing 2011, and Capital Value data from the Land and Property Services.

Education Outcomes Linkage 2018/19-2021/22 - Northern Ireland

The Education Outcomes Linkage 2018/19-2021/22 is a longitudinal relational database comprised of a range of tables containing schools’ data for pupils aged 14 and over in Northern Ireland. It links together a number of datasets held by the Department of Education in Northern Ireland; the school census (including attendance data); the school leavers survey; and the exams database.

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