2022 International Population Data Linkage Network Conference

08/09/2022 - 09/09/2022

Categories: IPDLN, Health & wellbeing

The International Population Data Linkage Network (IPDLN) brings together population data experts and researchers from around the world to share their expertise and network with their colleagues. ADR UK and ADR Scotland are co-directing the 2022 conference which will be held in Edinburgh, Scotland, from September 7-9. 

About this event 

The conference theme ‘Data linkage research: informing policy and practice’ gives scope to explore the wide-ranging sub-themes including: 

  • Data linkage, methods, systems and technology: methodological developments 

  • Research using real-world data: research outcomes utilising linked datasets 

  • Multi-sector data linkage 

  • Linking data to produce official statistics 

  • Ethics, law and social implications 

  • Public engagement and involvement in population data research 

The three-day conference will be preceded by two days of pre-conference workshops. The first day of workshops (5 September) will be online while the second day of workshops (6 September) will be in-person. 

Keynote speakers include:  

  • Rachel Plachcinski, co-lead for parent, patient and public involvement at the Policy Research Unit in Maternal and Neonatal Health and Care at National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit , University of Oxford. 


Buy tickets for the conference

Tickets for the IPDLN Conference are now available. Further details, including breakdowns of the package options and where to purchase the tickets, can be found on the IPDLN group on Crowd. Those interested in purchasing a ticket must sign-up to Crowd.


Call for abstracts 

IPDLN is accepting abstracts for the conference. The conference is also accepting applications to conduct one of the pre-conference workshops and form expert Q&A panels. Further details, including guidelines and how to apply, can be found on the IPDLN website. The deadline to apply is the 25 March 2022. 

When: 7-9 September 2022 (Pre-conference workshops on 5-6 September 2022) 

Cost: Ticket prices range from £300 per person to £150 per person. Further details can be found here.

Where: Edinburgh 

Submit applications and abstracts: see the IPDLN website for full details

Purchase tickets: see the IPDLN Group on Crowd for ticket package details and purchasing options.

To hear all the news about this event, become a member of IPDLN

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