Data First Research Fellowship Applicant Online Workshop


These research-ready datasets include de-identified defendant case level data, and are the first resulting from the groundbreaking Data First project.

The Research Fellowship Applicant Workshop will be an opportunity for:

  • Applicants to meet representatives from ADR UK, MoJ and ONS.
  • ADR UK to present the ambition for the call, how to apply, expectations of the Research Fellows, and the decision-making process.
  • MoJ to discuss the Data First project, the nature of the data, how to obtain data owner approval, and Areas of Research Interest.
  • ONS to explain the Research Accreditation Panel (RAP) and process.
  • Q&A on any other issues not covered in the published FAQs.

If you are a researcher interested in applying for one of these Fellowships, please register your attendance here. This is an online event, and the agenda and joining instructions will be circulated to registered attendees in advance.

You can submit questions in advance, to be addressed during the workshop, by completing the field provided during registration. There will also be the opportunity to ask further questions on the day.

When: Friday 18 September, 10.30-12.30.

Where: Online.

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