Linking public sector data for policy-relevant research: an ADR UK showcase event
Administrative data is an invaluable resource for public good. When data from across different areas of the public sector is linked together and made available for research, it can provide crucial insights into how decisions made in one policy area affect people’s experiences in others. This means policy decisions can be taken not in isolation, but with clear view of how different areas of life interact with one another.
ADR UK (Administrative Data Research UK) is an Economic & Social Research Council investment transforming the way researchers access the UK’s wealth of public sector data, to enable better informed policy decisions that improve lives. By linking together administrative data held by different parts of government and making it available to researchers in a safe and secure way, we are enabling vital research that has the potential to lead to more effective public services.
Join us on 9 December, 14:00-15:30, for a virtual event showcasing some of the groundbreaking projects enabled by the ADR UK Strategic Hub Fund.
Sign up now on the Eventbrite page.
Chaired by ADR UK Director, Dr Emma Gordon, you’ll hear from ADR UK partners from within academia and government about work underway in three main areas:
Crime & Justice
How can linking data from across the justice system and beyond enable policy to work more effectively to drive progress in tackling social and justice problems?
Speakers include:
- David Dawson, External Data Linkage Lead, Ministry of Justice | The Data First programme
- Dr Rosie Cornish, University of Bristol | Research lead for a feasibility study using the Ministry of Justice-Department for Education linked dataset
UK Economy
Data is key to a thorough understanding of the main drivers of the UK economy, and to shaping policy that supports businesses and workers to thrive. But which data sources are most useful for our understanding of this crucial aspect of society?
Speakers include:
- Professor Felix Ritchie, University of the West of England | Project lead for the Wage & Employment Dynamics project
Children’s Outcomes
ADR UK’s work in this area aims to enable a more comprehensive assessment of the experience of childhood in the UK, to develop a better understanding of what does and doesn’t work in public services for children and young people. In this session, you’ll hear from the leads on two of our key projects.
Speakers include:
- Professor Morag Treanor, Heriot-Watt University, and Fiona Mitchell, University of Strathclyde | Research leads for the Understanding Children’s Lives and Outcomes in Scotland project
- Alex Sutherland, Chief Scientist and Director of Research and Evaluation at the Behavioral Insights Team | Longitudinal follow-ups of randomised control trials in education: a test-case for ADR UK
Who should attend?
This showcase event is primarily aimed at policymakers and data owners from within government and the wider public sector who have an interest in the potential of administrative data for informing policy. You should consider attending if you are:
- A Policy Lead, Policy Advisor, Policy Analyst, Strategy Advisor or in any other policy-relevant role within a UK or devolved government department or other public body
- A Research Lead, Social Researcher, Analyst or in any other research-focused role within a UK or devolved government department or other public body
- A Data Lead, Data Officer or in any other role responsible for data management within a UK or devolved government department or other public body
- From a third-sector organisation interested in collaborating with government and academia to make better use of administrative data for research
- From a university or other research institution interested in collaborating with government to carry out research using administrative data to inform policymaking
- A parliamentarian, parliamentary researcher, or other elected representative (e.g. local government) with an interest in how administrative data can help address policy priorities
Outline agenda
14:00 – 14:10: Introduction
14:10 – 14:30: Crime & Justice
14:30 – 14:45: UK Economy
14:45 – 15:05: Children’s Outcomes
15:05 – 15:30: Panel session & audience Q&A
15:30: Close
There will be the opportunity to ask questions at the end of each session, as well as following the final panel.
Sign up now on the Eventbrite page. Joining instructions to follow.