ONS Research Capability 2021 - Celebrating and Building Excellence


10:00 - 16:00

The ONS Research Capability event takes place annually, bringing together researchers, data owners, government representatives, and policy makers to celebrate innovative research and lay out future developments within ONS.

Format of the Day

Keynote Speaker

For this year’s Research Capability event the keynote will be delivered by Sir David Spiegelhalter, OBE FRS. Sir David is, Statistician and Chair of the Winton Centre for Risk and Evidence Communication in the Centre for Mathematical Sciences at the University of Cambridge, Fellow of Churchill College, Cambridge and is a Non-Executive Director of the UK Statistics Authority.

ONS Research Excellence Awards

The winners of the ONS Research Excellence Awards will be announced by National Statistician, Professor Sir Ian Diamond. This session will include a panel discussion with our winners on their innovative work.

Breakout Sessions

There will be a number of breakout sessions during the day that will cover key topics including ‘The Levelling Up Agenda’, ‘Education and Young People Research’ and ‘From Research Ideas to Evidence to Impact’.

Latest ONS Developments

There will be updates on exciting ONS developments, including a closing address by Deputy National Statistician and Director General for Data Capability, Alison Pritchard.

A complimentary lunch and refreshments will be provided throughout the day in addition to plenty of networking opportunities.

When: Wednesday, 13 October 2021

Time: 10:00 - 16:00

Where: The De Vere Grand Connaught Rooms, London. The event may be held online should COVID-19 restrictions come into force.

Cost: Free event

Registration: via Eventbrite (closes Friday, 10 September)




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