Displaying results 31 to 40 out of 76
25/01/2023 - 25/01/2023
Hear from three ADR UK Research Fellows about their research projects using data made available through the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) Data First an ambitious data-linking programme that aims to harness the potential of the wealth of data already created by MoJ. This event is part of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) Research Excellence Series 2023.
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ADR UK is joining Health Data Research UK (HDR UK) as an official event partner for HDR UK’s annual scientific conference. This conference will celebrate the global health data revolution and build the knowledge, collaborations...
Wage and Employment Dynamics (WED) will be holding two workshops, one in Sheffield and the other in London. The workshops will bring academics and policymakers together to explore areas of research interest using the new WED datasets.
Join the Wage and Employment Dynamics team for a discussion and practical guide on how to create enriched versions of the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings and ASHE - 2011 Census linked datasets.
Attend ONS’ headline research event – Research Capability 2022. This event will recognise and celebrate outstanding innovative research carried out using ONS owned or managed data
ADR NI welcomes you to discuss the latest research findings on air pollution, health and wellbeing, and to explore what this means for future policy.
This online workshop, facilitated by ADR UK Research Fellows Kitty Lymperopoulou and Angela Sorsby, will introduce participants to using the Data First magistrates’ and Crown Court datasets to conduct ethnicity research.
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Belinda Tracey, a senior economist at the Bank of England, will be hosting a talk about her research on the UK mortgage market and household consumption as part of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) Researc...
08/09/2022 - 09/09/2022
The International Population Data Linkage Network (IPDLN) brings together population data experts and researchers from around the work to share their expertise and network with their colleagues. ADR UK and ADR Scotland are co-directing the 2022 conference which will be held in Edinburgh, Scotland, from September 7-9.
Join the Wage and Employment Dynamics team for an introduction to an emerging de-identified dataset. This dataset will expand the set of personal characteristics observed for employees in the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) dataset by linking records with the 2011 Census for England and Wales.