Understanding Pupil Destinations: a showcase of the Longitudinal Education Outcomes dataset
13:00 – 14:30
Join the Edge Foundation for an online showcase and discussion on analysis of the Longitudinal Education Outcomes (LEO) dataset.
About this event
Technological advances, shifts in the nature of work, and other economic factors are set to transform the labour market over the coming decade. Schools and colleges have a vital role in shaping young people’s outcomes and the LEO dataset provides an unprecedented opportunity to understand their long-term impacts.
The LEO dataset connects individuals’ education data with their employment, benefits and earnings data. In this webinar, the Edge Foundation will showcase four amazing projects using LEO data, including a recent report commissioned by the Edge Foundation from the National Foundation For Educational Research. This report investigates the potential use of long-term school and college destination measures and work by colleagues at the Centre for Vocational Education Research, Education Policy Institute and Department for Education.
The webinar will conclude with an interactive discussion about the possibilities that LEO data opens up and how researchers can collectively make the best use of this opportunity to improve outcomes for young people.
- Karen Powell, Head of Research Strategy and Commissioning, ADR UK
- Sandra McNally, Director of the Centre for Vocational Education Research
- Jude Hillary, Head of Systems and Optimal Pathways Portfolios at the National Foundation for Educational Research
- Jenna Julius, Senior Economist at the National Foundation for Educational Research
- David Robinson, Director, Post 16 and Skills at the Education Policy Institute
- Alaster Smith, Head of Research Evidence and Engagement at Department for Education.
When: Thursday 9 June 2022
Time: 13:00 – 14:30
Where: Online event
Cost: Free
Registration: Via Eventbrite