Wage and Employment Dynamics: Research Development Workshops



The WED project aims to provide important new insights into the dynamics of earnings and employment in Britain. The project is expected to increase understanding of how people’s wages progress through their career, factoring in key characteristics such as gender and ethnicity, as well as the particular dynamics of low-pay labour markets.

WED has enriched the core Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) dataset, as well as linking it to the 2011 Census (ASHE- 2011 Census linked dataset). These datasets are now available for researchers to apply to use via the Office for National Statistics (ONS) Secure Research Service. Wage and Employment Dynamics is also working on linking ASHE to HMRC employment and self-employed earnings data, and HMRC migration data.

Workshop aims

These two workshops will bring academics and policymakers together to explore areas of research interest relevant to the new WED datasets. Through exercises and facilitated discussions, the workshop will stimulate research ideas and identify areas of common interest between attendees. Discussion will also seek to identify potential funding routes for different types of research projects.

The workshop will be mainly activity based. The provisional schedule is:

  • introductions over refreshments
  • presentations by WED, ESRC; introductions to the policy departments
  • facilitated discussions and activities exploring areas of research interest relevant to the new ASHE – 2011 Census and the enriched ASHE datasets
  • sharing and review of outcomes; identification of further actions to support those outcomes
  • closing refreshments

Materials detailing government departments’ research and policy interests will be sent out in advance, to stimulate questions and ideas.


Registration for these free events is via Eventbrite. Each event will be limited to a maximum of 30 participants.

Sheffield workshop

Date: 21 November 2022

Time: 9.00 - 13.30

Where: The University of Sheffield, Western Bank Sheffiled, S10 2TN

Cost: Free

Registration: Via Eventbrite by 11 November


London workshop

Date: 2 December 2022

Time: 9.00 - 13.30

Where: Bank of England, Threadneedle Street, London, EC2R 8AH

Cost: Free

Registration: Via Eventbrite by 16 November



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