
In this webinar, the Youth Transitions project team will introduce a research agenda which identifies the most pressing gaps in the evidence on educational and labour market outcomes of young people at risk of marginalisation.

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This event will be suitable for researchers, practitioners, policymakers, data owners and funders who have an interest in youth transitions or are working towards a common objective – to improve educational and employment outcomes for all young people and help them realise their true potential:

  • Research agenda – a well-informed list of topics highlighting the most critical and under-researched aspects of young people’s transitions between education and employment
  • Youth voice – Get a deeper understanding of issues relating to transitions, from young people’s perspectives
  • Online data tool – An accessible online resource that enables easy navigation through the administrative data landscape
  • Introduction to community training and networking opportunities

Find out more about the project

Event details 

Date: 13 November 2024

Time: 10:00 - 12:00

Where: Online 

Cost: Free 

Registration: Register using this link.

For further information about the project, contact the Youth Transitions project team on youthtransitions@nfer.ac.uk.

This project is co-funded by ADR England, Youth Futures Foundation, and the Centre for Transforming Access and Student Outcomes in Higher Education (TASO). It is led by the National Foundation for Educational Research, together with their co-investigators at the University of Westminster, University College London, and FFT Datalab.


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