Displaying results 6 to 10 out of 20
15 February 2024
In this blog, Katie Harron describes how de-identified data made available through ECHILD can be used to investigate the relationship between children’s health and education. ECHILD stands for Education and Child Health Insights from Linked Data – England. Katie is the project lead for the ADR England-funded ECHILD project.
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12 February 2024
As part of Love Data Week, taking place from 12 to 16 February, ADR UK is showcasing a selection of high-impact projects from across the partnership on our social media. These highlight the importance of linked administrative data research to driving real-world, public good impact across a range of sectors and themes.
22 January 2024
In this blog, Dr Francesca Foliano explains how she will use administrative data to study the internal migration of young adults within England, and how this affects social mobility. Francesca is an ADR UK Research Fellow using the Longitudinal Education Outcomes dataset.
4 December 2023
In this blog, ADR UK Research Fellow Dr Konstantina Maragkou discusses her work using the Grading and Admissions Data for England (GRADE) dataset. Her project is exploring the relationship between student and school characteristics, and the accuracy of teacher-predicted grades for university admissions.
25 May 2023
In this blog, Abbie Bevan explains how the Office for National Statistics (ONS) Analytical Impact team has demonstrated the impact of education-themed research using ONS Secure Research Service data.