Displaying results 11 to 15 out of 32
10 May 2023
The Public Engagement in Data Research Initiative (PEDRI) has launched a pilot campaign to raise awareness of the public benefits of data research. ‘Your Data in Action’ will share information with new families about how research using public data can make a difference to their lives, and those of their children. ADR UK is a co-founding member of PEDRI.
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8 March 2023
ADR Scotland has worked with Children in Scotland to produce a data comic around children's rights. This feeds into its ongoing work to engage children and young people.
15 December 2022
In this blog, ADR UK Director Dr Emma Gordon and ADR Scotland Co-Director Professor Chris Dibben discuss and reflect on their experience of planning the 2022 International Population Data Linkage Network (IPDLN) Conference.
14 December 2022
Lynsey Cross, Public Engagement Officer for ADR Wales partner, the SAIL Databank, discusses public engagement work from ADR Wales to mark one year since the publication of the ADR UK Public Engagement Strategy.
5 December 2022
ADRC NI, Communications and Impact Manager, Elizabeth Nelson, discusses public engagement work from ADR Northern Ireland to make one year since the publication of the ADR UK Public Engagement Strategy.