Displaying results 11 to 15 out of 46
16 March 2023
For the first time, nursing and midwifery registrant data will be made available for research via the Office for National Statistics (ONS) Secure Research Service. The data can provide vital insights into the current state of nursing and midwifery in the UK and inform policy. This initiative is led by the Scottish Centre for Administrative Data Research (SCADR), part of ADR Scotland.
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8 March 2023
ADR Scotland has worked with Children in Scotland to produce a data comic around children's rights. This feeds into its ongoing work to engage children and young people.
16 November 2022
Last month, ADR Scotland hosted an online event on unlocking criminal justice data. The event attracted researchers and practitioners from a wide range of organisations, including universities, justice organisations and the Scottish and UK Government. They came together to discuss early findings from the exciting research projects using administrative data from the Data First programme.
8 November 2022
SCADR Impact and Knowledge Exchange Manager, Harriet Baird, discusses public engagement work from ADR Scotland to mark one year since the publication of the ADR UK Public Engagement Strategy.
27 October 2022
Children who participated in Scouts or Guides were around 35% more likely to report excellent health at age 50 compared to their peers, findings show.