Displaying results 11 to 15 out of 32
7 May 2021
A series of reports using local data to analyse the impacts of Covid-19 are now accessible for all local authorities in England as a result of the Local Data Spaces pilot project.
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25 March 2021
The Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA) has today published research examining recent trends and socio-economic associations in alcohol-specific mortality in the Northern Ireland population.
24 March 2021
ADR Wales has released its latest publication analysing the effect that living in a homeless household has on school attendance.
5 March 2021
Statisticians in the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA), part of ADR Northern Ireland, have recently published detailed reports analysing Covid-19 related deaths in Northern Ireland up to 31 January 2021.
18 December 2020
A report commissioned by ADR UK and published today applies behavioural insights to the challenge of linking and sharing government administrative data for research.