Displaying results 21 to 25 out of 43
18 January 2023
ADR Northern Ireland researchers recently published analysis of Covid-19 deaths and equality in Northern Ireland.
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9 November 2022
In this blog, ADR UK Research Fellow Dr Angela Sorsby builds on her recently published Data Insight with some further analysis of differences in prison sentences among ethnic groups.
27 October 2022
Children who participated in Scouts or Guides were around 35% more likely to report excellent health at age 50 compared to their peers, findings show.
13 October 2022
A recent report published by Welsh Government highlights the benefits and limitations of enhanced data utilisation to deliver careers services in Wales.
12 October 2022
Mae adroddiad diweddar a gyhoeddwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru, yn amlygu manteision a chyfyngiadau gwell defnydd o ddata i ddarparu gwasanaethau gyrfaoedd yng Nghymru.