Displaying results 1 to 5 out of 16
23 October 2024
The National Police Chief’s Council (NPCC) and UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) are inviting applications to be recognised as one of nine Policing Academic Centres of Excellence (P-ACEs). These centres will improve connections between academic researchers and research users in policing. They will make it easier for users of research to identify the best research evidence available.
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13 February 2024
[NOW CLOSED] ADR UK is inviting funding applications for research fellowships to conduct research and analysis using eligible ADR England flagship datasets. Research fellows will demonstrate the policy impact potential of these datasets by generating insights to address priority research questions.
5 July 2023
[NOW CLOSED] ADR UK is inviting applications for funding to conduct policy-relevant research using ADR England flagship datasets. Research fellows will address priority research questions, generate insights and demonstrate the value of ADR England data. These datasets are held securely within the Office for National Statistics (ONS) Secure Research Service or other trusted research environments.
25 April 2023
ADR UK will soon invite applications for ADR UK Research Fellowships using ADR England flagship datasets. Grants will be available for projects up to a value of £175,000 (full economic cost). These Research Fellowships will be funded for up to 18 months in duration.
14 March 2023
[NOW CLOSED] ADR UK, in collaboration with other co-funders, is inviting applications for three ADR England Research Community Catalyst Awards. Recipients of these awards will develop self-sustaining communities of researchers and wider stakeholders to advance administrative data research for public good. This will include driving up the use of ADR England flagship datasets.