Displaying results 1 to 5 out of 8
14 March 2023
[NOW CLOSED] ADR UK, in collaboration with other co-funders, is inviting applications for three ADR England Research Community Catalyst Awards. Recipients of these awards will develop self-sustaining communities of researchers and wider stakeholders to advance administrative data research for public good. This will include driving up the use of ADR England flagship datasets.
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6 October 2022
[NOW CLOSED] ADR UK is inviting applications for Research Fellowships to conduct research and analysis demonstrating the policy impact potential of key ADR England flagship datasets.
22 June 2022
[NOW CLOSED] ADR UK is accepting applications for funding to conduct research using the newly available Ministry of Justice (MoJ) Data First family court –Cafcass linked dataset (Cafcass stands for Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service). Grants will be available for up to £145,000 for up to 15 months.
9 February 2022
ADR UK is working with the Evaluation Task Force to support the academic delivery route for the Evaluation Accelerator Fund.
15 December 2021
ADR UK will soon be launching a funding call for applications to conduct research using a new linked dataset consisting of the Ministry of Justice’s (MoJ) Data First family court data and Cafcass’ data.