Displaying results 1 to 5 out of 10
23 January 2024
The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) Data First team has been awarded the Analysis in Government Collaboration Award by the Analysis Function at the Office for National Statistics. The award recognises outstanding collaboration both across and beyond government boundaries in delivering impactful analysis. Data First is an ambitious and pioneering data-linking programme led by the MoJ and funded by ADR UK.
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26 September 2023
Calling those with an interest in improving the lives of young people! We are hosting a full-day event in London on Thursday 12 October to share some new research findings on the relationship between education policy and youth...
31 March 2023
The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and ADR UK are pleased to announce two Evaluation Fellowships are underway at the Ministry of Justice (MoJ). Funded by the Cabinet Office’s Evaluation Accelerator Fund, Professor Ian Brunton-Smith and Georgina Mathlin have joined MoJ to explore the feasibility of using linked administrative data to evaluate the impact of justice services. This is a jointly led opportunity by the ESRC and MoJ.
17 March 2023
In this blog, ADR UK Research Fellow Dr Hannah Dickson identifies five trajectories which show the different patterns of criminal offending people tend to follow throughout their lives.
20 January 2023
Dr Alice Wickersham is an ADR UK Research Fellow exploring associations between school performance trajectories and offending behaviour. In this blog, she shares some opportunities and challenges around the potential for target trial emulation in this area of research. This involves applying design principles from randomised controlled trials to the analysis of observational datasets.