ADR Wales Covid-19 response: Shielded households

The new publication, which follows three earlier analyses of the Shielded Patients List carried out by the team this summer, used deidentified linked data to look at the composition and characteristics of shielded households during the month of July this year (2020).

Despite shielding being currently paused in Wales, the Chief Medical Officer for Wales remains in contact with those on the Shielded Patient List, and therefore it is important to understand the circumstances of those on the list. This most recent publication looks at:

  • The number of households containing lone adults, and the number of other household composition types
  • Shielded household composition type broken down by Local Authority
  • The age profile of shielded people living alone by gender
  • The age profile of shielded people living alone by Local Authority
  • The number of adults and children shielding, and the number of adults and children living with a shielded person

The publication follows earlier analyses of the Shielded Patient List carried out by the ADR Wales team within Welsh Government. The previous analyses looked at the situation of children living within shielded households, what access shielded patients had to outdoor space during the pandemic and also the number and percentage of teachers and teaching assistants shielding in Wales.

These publications are part of a collection of rapid response projects carried out by the ADR Wales team during the pandemic in response to the request to help inform thinking at government level.

Findings from these publications have directly informed the One Wales response to Covid-19 which regularly feeds into Wales Technical Advisory Group (TAG) and UK SAGE updates.

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