Business Data for Research 2021 dataset released by ADR Northern Ireland
Categories: Data linkage programmes, Research using linked data, Datasets, Press releases, ADR Northern Ireland, World of work
6 March 2024
Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA) is now receiving applications from accredited researchers to use the Business Data for Research 2021 dataset for research in the public interest. NISRA is part of ADR Northern Ireland.
Business Data for Research is a de-identified linked dataset which comprises survey data from the Business Register and Employment Survey and the Northern Ireland Annual Business Inquiry (including Northern Ireland Economic Trade Statistics, formerly Broad Economy Sales and Export Statistics) for the period 2014 to 2021. These component datasets are linkable via an anonymised unique business reference number at Reporting Unit level - the main business site or headquarters of a business. Researchers can link data longitudinally (where data is available) and across each of the datasets. The datasets cannot be linked to other data sources.
Areas of research interest
Business Data for Research has been developed in order to advance research across a range of themes. It can offer an evidence base for policy development, decision making, and monitoring of public policy in Northern Ireland.
Business Data for Research is relevant to a number of key research themes and policy interests, including:
- The impact of Covid-19 on the Northern Ireland economy (see modelled results for Q2 2020)
- Northern Ireland International Trade in Services
- Northern Ireland exports
- Providing an evidence base for the NI Department for the Economy (DfE) 10X Economy: Economic Vision, Skills Strategy and Trade & Investment documents. Find out more via the DfE’s 10x Research Programme.
How to access the data
Access to the Business Data for Research dataset is limited to researchers and research teams with accredited researcher status under the Digital Economy Act 2017. This is subject to approval by each of the data providers and the UK Statistics Authority Research Accreditation Panel.
In the first instance, researchers should complete the Themed Datasets Initial Research Proposal Form and submit this to the NISRA Research Support Unit: The proposal form asks researchers to summarise the main aim and objectives of the proposed project, as well as the methodological approach that they are intending to use. Researchers must also include details of the data required (including a variable list with justification) and cohort required. Details of any public engagement activities planned as part of their project must also be included.
The Research Support Unit, in consultation with the data providers, will determine the feasibility of the project prior to the completion of a full application by the researcher(s).
Further information on how to apply for approval is available on the NISRA website.
For further information about the dataset, visit the BDR section of the NISRA website.