Funding opportunity coming soon: ADR UK Research Fellowships using ADR England flagship data
Categories: Funding opportunities, ADR UK Research Fellows, ADR England, Office for National Statistics
25 April 2023
ADR UK will soon invite applications for ADR UK Research Fellowships using ADR England flagship datasets. Grants will be available for projects up to a value of £175,000 (full economic cost). These Research Fellowships will be funded for up to 18 months in duration.
Applications must make use of ADR England flagship linked datasets, held in the Office for National Statistics Secure Research Service or other ADR UK trusted research environments. These datasets are detailed in the ADR England flagship dataset brochure, which will be updated when the funding call opens for applications on Wednesday 5 July 2023.
We anticipate that the following datasets will be made newly available for public good research, and added to the brochure, in time for the funding opportunity opening:
- The ECHILD (Education and Child Health Insights from Linked Data) research database
- The Ministry of Justice Data First cross-justice system linked dataset.
In this round of funding, we plan to ringfence funding for one fellowship each for ECHILD, AD | ARC, and the Data First: cross-justice system linked dataset.
In addition, we anticipate that the following updates will be made to existing ADR England flagship datasets:
- A refresh of the Ministry of Justice – Department for Education linked dataset. This is expected to include additional years of data up to 2021.
- An update to the Longitudinal Education Outcomes (LEO) dataset iteration two. This is expected to include additional years of data up to the 2021/2022 school year, Covid-19 furlough data, and the Inter Departmental Business Register.
These anticipated updates are subject to agreements and documentation being finalised, and may change.
Other datasets in the brochure include Growing Up in England, the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings – 2011 Census linked dataset, Grading and Admissions Data for England, and multiple datasets made available through the Ministry of Justice Data First programme.
Register for an applicant webinar
To find out more about the opportunity, the application process and the eligible datasets, sign up for an applicant webinar. You will also have the opportunity to ask any questions. You should use the links below to register for the webinar(s) relevant to the dataset(s) you are interested in.
There is a webinar for each of the datasets with ringfenced funding for this round:
- Applicant webinar: ECHILD – Tuesday 25 July, 14:00 – 15:30
- Applicant webinar: Data First – Friday 28 July, 11:00 – 12:30
There will also be a webinar for the following datasets, which will have been updated when the funding opportunity launches:
Applicant webinar: MoJ-DfE linked dataset – Monday 24 July, 15:00 – 16:30
We aim to host a webinar for the LEO dataset, and details will be confirmed in due course.
Find out more
Individual researchers from eligible research organisations will be able to apply to this funding opportunity, in line with the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)’s standard eligibility criteria. Find out more in the ESRC research funding guide.
Early career researchers may apply and must have a mentor. For support in finding a suitable mentor, read about our pilot mentoring programme for this opportunity.
Full details will be available when the funding opportunity opens for applications in July 2023. In the meantime, find out more on the UK Research and Innovation Funding Finder.