NISRA report analyses all Covid-19 deaths in Northern Ireland between March and August
Categories: Reports, ADR Northern Ireland, Health & wellbeing
Written by 7 October 2020
ADR Northern Ireland partner Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA) has published a report analysing all Covid-19 related deaths that occurred (based on the date of death) in Northern Ireland in the 6-month period between 1 March and 31 August 2020.
The report provides up to date analyses on age-standardised mortality rates (ASMRs) for Covid-19 related deaths by age and sex, and for key geographical and socioeconomic breakdowns.
What we found
The study estimated the Covid-19 ASMR for Northern Ireland to be 55.2 per 100,000 persons during March-August. Covid-19 related ASMRs (per 100,000) were highest for the 20% most deprived areas (66.0), followed by the 20% least deprived areas (60.4). Higher Covid-19 related ASMRs (per 100,000) were found in urban areas (66.9) compared to rural areas (36.3).
The study provides fresh insights into the geographical variation in Covid-19 related mortality in Northern Ireland. Covid-19 ASMRs (per 100,000) were highest in three Belfast Assembly Areas; West (113.7), North (93.5) and East (90.0).
The bulletin was accompanied by a press release and there was widespread coverage in the local media.
Impact and next steps
The latest report, along with earlier excess deaths and Covid-19 mortality reports, have been led by NISRA researchers, who are also part of ADR Northern Ireland (ADR NI). The main findings have been reported in the local media. The depth of commentary provided within the reports is enabling researchers to gain greater familiarity with a key data source that will be instrumental in shaping future research projects through the ADR investment.
Future ADR data linkage projects will facilitate more in-depth assessment of all-cause mortality/excess deaths during the Covid-19 pandemic with a specific focus on Covid-19 deaths, including an analysis of the impact on BAME groups, religion, disability groups and other socio-demographic markers in Northern Ireland. The projects will enhance understanding of the impact of and support the response to the Covid-19 pandemic in Northern Ireland.
Find out more in the full report.