Welsh Minister commends ADR Wales for informing decision making and calls for data sharing
The Welsh Government Minister for Social Justice and Chief Whip, Jane Hutt, has commended the work of ADR Wales, stating that it supports Wales to become an international leader in data sharing and evidence-based policymaking.
The Minister was speaking at the Wales Data Analysis Innovation and Improvement Network seminar ‘Supporting evidence-based decision making for Community Safety’. She highlighted that de-identified data, when safely collected, stored, and analysed, plays a key role in supporting crime prevention.
The Minister praised ADR Wales’ partnership approach as it works with the Secure Anonymised Information Linkage (SAIL) Databank to create world-leading opportunities for data-driven research. She referenced that ADR Wales has assembled data experts to advise on the safe collection, storage and use of de-identified data, informing policies and practices around crime prevention. The Minister further called on data owners in Wales to be ambitious about secure data sharing.
The Minister also highlighted:
- The role of the Wales Accord on the Sharing of Personal Information (WASPI). This joint accord across sectors creates a range of opportunities for learning and collaboration, and is supported by ADR Wales.
- ADR Wales’ joint project with the Ministry of Justice to better understand substance misuse trends. Delivered through the Better Outcomes through Linked Data (BOLD) programme, BOLD will consider themes including substance misuse treatment, intergenerational substance misuse, and reducing reoffending. It aims to show how linked data can generate insights that help prevent harm in practice, supporting the Welsh Government’s broader vision for community safety in Wales.
Dr Emma Gordon, Director of ADR UK, said: “It is fantastic to see the ADR Wales programme of work receive well-deserved praise from the Welsh Minister for Social Justice, Jane Hutt. ADR Wales has a longstanding approach of bringing together experts across academia and Welsh Government to support best practices in data linkage, research, and decision making. Its large portfolio of cutting-edge analysis, research excellence, and policy impact - as highlighted by the Minister - shows that this approach is working.
“We look forward to working further with Welsh Government to ramp up these efforts and pursue the Minister’s vision of ambitious data sharing for the public good.”
You can browse administrative data available for research, including some of the datasets held within SAIL Databank, on the new ADR UK Data Catalogue.
ADR Wales has co-authored a number of impactful reports with Welsh Government. Find out more on Publications - ADR UK.
This article has been abridged. The full article can be read on the ADR Wales website.