Data Insight: European Union Settled Status (EUSS) Data Linkage Project (Wales): Preliminary findings for education
Categories: Research using linked data, Data Insights, ADR Wales, Children & young people, Inequality & social inclusion
28 June 2023
This Data Insight provides a preliminary analysis on education data relating to children born in the EU living in Wales and children born in Wales living in Wales, which details their attendance and attainment at school. It is based upon the analysis of Education Wales data linked to 2011 Census data. This analysis forms part of the EU Settled Status (EUSS) Data Linkage Project, which aims to link European Union (EU) citizen data with other data already held within the SAIL Databank, based at Swansea University. Using a range of de-identified data in the SAIL Databank, a control group of British citizens in Wales has been matched with EU citizens with similar characteristics using the 2011 Census. This provides a spine to identify country of birth, with a focus upon health (mental health), education, and employment.
Why it matters
Attendance and attainment are related when looking at pupils having the best school experience and wider life chances. UK Government data shows all pupils with the highest attainment at the end of Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 4 have higher rates of attendance over the Key Stage than those with the lowest attainment. It is important to obtain an accurate knowledge of the educational outcomes for EU-born children living in Wales. This influences the policy decisions and services that the Welsh Government can deliver to address the needs of this population. It also enables researchers and policymakers to better understand the experiences of EU-born children living in Wales.