Maternal employment and childcare
Categories: ADR Northern Ireland, Children & young people, Impact, Policy, People, Potential
24 April 2020
This research was undertaken by the Administrative Data Research Centre Northern Ireland (ADRC NI), part of ADR Northern Ireland.
In the Spring of 2019 ADRC NI partnered with the Children for All Coalition to deliver a conference on childcare policy at Queen’s University, showcasing ADRC NI legacy research from Dr Corina Miller on factors affecting maternal employment and the positive role that co-resident grandparents can have in enabling mothers to get back into full and part-time employment.
This research was formed in partnership with several local NGOs after a series of thematic data workshops delivered by our Public Engagement and Impact Manager during the ADRN (Administrative Data Research Network, the predecessor to ADR UK) period. It has continued to flourish as a partnership, delivering results for the NGOs involved in the form of data-driven, Northern Ireland-specific research to use as evidence in advocacy and lobbying, and for the researcher, whose research benefitted from additional datasets gained through these stakeholder relationships.
A new All Party Group (APG) on Early Education and Childcare has been established to “promote best practice policy and provision in the delivery of early education and childcare in Northern Ireland”. Dr Miller has presented her researched to the APG, of which she is a standing member, including recommendations for policy interventions feedback on other policy initiatives relating to childcare and maternal employment.
Dr Miller’s findings on factors affecting maternal employment were also cited in the Women’s Policy Group’s recently re-launched Feminist Recovery Plan for Covid-19, which have the potential shape long-lasting policy interventions in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.
This draws a direct line from ADRC NI's public engagement work with the voluntary and community sector to influencing a crucial new policy interventions that can positively impact families in Northern Ireland.