Access to good quality administrative data is extremely valuable for research, facilitating a far more accurate and comprehensive picture of UK society than can be achieved without it.
ADR UK is committed to enabling public good research by:
- raising awareness of administrative data
- commissioning new datasets and research
- providing training and funding opportunities
- smoothing the data access journey for researchers
- support impactful research engagement and networks.
Our approach ensures researchers can navigate every stage of the research process, from understanding the datasets available to sharing their findings with stakeholders.
Research journey
If you are a researcher interested in accessing administrative data, your user journey may look something like this:
Formulate research questions aligned to public and policy priorities, and develop your methodologies and key datasets/variables
Determine the routes through which you can securely access the data
Where to get started
Data available for research
There is a wealth of data available for research. A good place to start is with the dedicated webpages of our flagship datasets – datasets of significant research value. These pages include information on data access, component datasets, documentation, and relevant research questions. This helps researchers evaluate a dataset’s suitability and navigate the application process step-by-step. Our ADR UK Data Catalogue, meanwhile, showcases the whole ever-expanding collection of administrative datasets available for research.
If you are interested in hearing more about the data available, we can also offer bespoke workshops to raise awareness of the wealth of available data.
Data access
Accredited researchers with an approved project will access the data through a trusted research environment. Each ADR UK national partnership has a dedicated trusted research environment that is accredited under the Digital Economy Act and guided by the Five Safes model. Researchers can apply for accreditation of themselves and their project.
Each trusted research environment and/or dataset may stipulate slightly different ways researchers can access the data, such as via an approved secure connection or within a secure environment, depending on the data sensitivity. The length of time it takes for researchers - from submitting an application to gaining access to the data - varies but is generally described in weeks or months. The time it takes can be influenced by the number of data owners who have to approve the application, the size of the dataset, or whether the dataset is in the process of being refreshed. ADR UK is working closely with data infrastructure partners to simplify the process for researchers and speed up access times.
Research funding
ADR UK funds a wide range of research projects, supporting pioneering research using existing and new research-ready data. We support researchers at every stage including working with data owners to assess the feasibility of project proposals and smoothing the data access journey.
If you are a researcher in need of additional funding, there are several sources available. ADR UK also runs competitive open calls, as part of our Research Fellowship scheme, to carry out research using selected ADR UK-curated datasets. You can find out more about potential sources of funding on our Funding opportunities page. Securing funding is not a prerequisite for project approval, and researchers can seek funding at any stage of the project approval process.
Skills and tools
Using administrative data can be challenging, especially at the start. The datasets are often very large – millions of records – and messy. Despite having been de-identified, curated and cleaned already, it is very likely that each researcher will need to do further linking and cleaning of the data before they are able to use it for their project. Researchers are restricted to using the available analytical software within the environment, such as R, Python, SPSS and/or STATA. Meanwhile, the secure environments have safeguards in place to protect the data (such as no internet access), and it can take tremendous computing power (and time!) to process researchers’ work.
Building the capability of researchers to analyse linked administrative data and overcome these types of challenges is central to ADR UK’s mission. The ADR UK Learning Hub offers practical resources, skill development tools, and connections to communities of practice, while also signposting to external training. For specialised training, including introductory courses on flagship datasets, we partner with leading providers like the National Centre for Research Methods.
Networks and communities
ADR UK invests in creating connected research communities to amplify the impact of administrative data research. Communities like the ADR England Research Community Catalysts are providing leadership on specific themes, such as youth transitions or children at risk of poor outcomes. These groups foster collaboration and innovation among researchers, data owners, and stakeholders, and have co-created research agendas that address shared priorities. We also work closely with user groups for flagship datasets, such as the Education and Child Health Insights from Linked Data user group and the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings research community, which provide valuable spaces for researchers to share insights, challenges, and solutions.
ADR UK helps researchers tailor their work to public and policy priorities, ensuring their research drives meaningful impact. Our Learning Hub provides guidance for creating policy-relevant research, including tailoring your research questions to government Areas of Research Interest. Research we fund requires it is aligned with published policy agendas, government programmes, or evidence of stakeholder interest. For instance, research priorities for using ADR England flagship datasets are outlined in our research fellowship funding calls.
Public engagement is a cornerstone of ADR UK’s approach. We facilitate researcher access to community representatives and public panels to ensure public voices shape research at key stages. Public engagement also forms a core requirement for funding, and we provide bespoke support to help researchers design and deliver these activities effectively. ADR UK is also dedicated to a dual publication model which prioritises accessible, easy-to-read publications alongside traditional, academic publications.
Through all these efforts, we ensure that emerging evidence reaches decision makers promptly, and that research findings are not only academically robust but also practically relevant - helping to inform policies that improve lives across the UK.
ADR UK’s approach delivers one of the richest sources of data available for economic and social researchers. By linking data, ADR UK offers the opportunity to study important issues and construct a more comprehensive picture of life in the UK. Society is complex, but the public sector data we enable access to can help untangle the many factors and dynamics at play.
Working with ADR UK as a researcher means that we will be able to provide guidance and support on how best to access and utilise our datasets. We are formed of four national partnerships between academia and government, each with a trusted research environment. We collaborate to resolve challenges and streamline processes. We champion research and researchers.
By supporting research that addresses government and public priorities, engaging and involving the public in the research process, and publishing evidence in accessible formats ADR UK ensures that the research it enables delivers maximum impact. We offer researchers the opportunity to influence government policy and change lives.
Administrative data is one of the most inclusive sources of data available, with records documenting all interactions with public services, ensuring representation of marginalised and underrepresented groups. Additionally, ADR UK’s partnership structure facilitates analysis on a UK-wide scale for researchers focused on studying issues within and across the home nations.
How is ADR UK improving the researcher journey?
ADR UK is working to increase the secure use of administrative data for public good research, so that this data can inform better decisions in public life. That means increasing awareness across disciplines, improving the infrastructure and processes researchers can use to access administrative data, as well as building capabilities to empower you to use it.
Researchers are informed about administrative data and its potential.
Researchers gain a clear understanding of the data available and how it can be applied to their work.
Access and funding
Researchers are supported in successfully applying for funding and access to the data.
Skills and tools
Researchers are equipped with the tools, skills, and knowledge needed to analyse the data effectively across projects.
Research findings are shared widely to inform public good outcomes.