Displaying results 31 to 40 out of 112
24 August 2023
ADR UK is funding two Research Fellows to conduct research using the newly available Ministry of Justice (MoJ) Data First family court – Cafcass linked dataset. Their research, taking place over 15 months, will generate new insights about children and families’ experiences of the family justice system.
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21 August 2023
The Department for Education’s Longitudinal Education Outcomes (LEO) dataset provides transformational insights about pathways within and beyond education in England. This grant will enable Dr Claire Crawford and a small team of researchers to work in partnership with the LEO Programme team in the Department for Education to help develop the LEO external access offer.
11 August 2023
This project aims to create a research-ready database based on Scottish civil registration certificates of births, deaths, and marriages from 1855 to 1973.
14 July 2023
The project will study how the disadvantages suffered by certain groups can vary over their life course or change in relation to factors such as household circumstances and geographical context. These groups have been identified by health and disability status, caring responsibilities, migrant status, and ethnicity. The project team will analyse the impact of different forms of disadvantage on labour market outcomes, measured by receipt of benefits related to non-working status.
This project builds on ADR Scotland’s earlier work, exploring the increase in deaths at home during the Covid-19 pandemic and its implications for end-of-life care and health service usage.
This study aims to use linked administrative data to enhance our understanding of non-health risk factors such as occupation, household, and environmental circumstances. It will help to inform future policies to support populations at higher risk.
30 June 2023
The EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS) Data Linking Project is an ADR Wales initiative born out of the need to improve the evidence base on EU citizens in Wales who are part of the EU Settlement Scheme.
28 June 2023
This ADR England project is funding the Department for Education (DfE) to make it easier and faster for accredited researchers to gain access to the data they need. The DfE will share more data through the ONS Secure Research Service using the legal gateway provided by the Digital Economy Act. The programme will also enable the DfE to engage with research bodies and academia around data opportunities and policy needs seeking to maximise the value of linked education data.
27 June 2023
ADR UK is working in partnership with a group of academic and government bodies to link de-identified data from across the UK to create the first UK-wide dataset focused on agriculture.
5 June 2023
This ADR England-funded project will further develop a research-ready database linking health, education and social care data for all children in England.