15 January 2024
The ADR Wales Social Care programme is led by Social Care Wales, a Welsh Government-sponsored body which registers and sets standards for social workers and social care workers in Wales. This programme will promote the benefits of linked data research and demonstrate its potential for understanding social care in Wales and beyond.
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22 September 2023
This ADR Wales research agenda will cover inequalities in health outcomes, treatment, accessibility to services, opportunities, and education for the population of Wales. It will utilise linked anonymised, individual-level, population-scale data that is routinely collected. This includes demographic, health, environmental, administrative and social data.
14 September 2023
To address currently identified and new emerging priority areas for government, ADR Wales has created a Major Societal Challenges work stream. This will monitor, evaluate and research the impacts of major societal challenges over time and across generations for the whole population.
How do we make a Wales where homelessness is rare, brief and unrepeated? This important question drives ADR Wales research under this thematic area. It will explore opportunities for more timely interventions, and produce an evidence base on what works to prevent homelessness, for whom, and in what context.