Displaying results 1 to 10 out of 17
6 July 2020
Data scientists from ADR Wales are currently undertaking a collection of rapid response projects related to the Covid-19 pandemic.
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23 April 2020
This project will consider whether there is an association between the Pupil Deprivation Grant (PDG) and school-level attainment gaps in Wales.
17 March 2020
This research explores differences in mental and subjective wellbeing across housing tenures in Wales; specifically, whether there is some intrinsic property of ‘tenure’ that impacts wellbeing.
16 March 2020
This project aims to link administrative data from Swansea Local Authority housing services to other public service data to better understand the experience of homelessness in Wales.
13 March 2020
This study will explore differences in healthcare needs amongst different experiences of homelessness in Wales.
This research aims to identify how education is affected by experiences of homelessness in Wales by linking GP registration data with education data related to attainment and absences.
This study aims to examine factors related to school readiness for children in Wales.
This study aims to better understand the factors associated with doing well at school for children at GCSE-level who are also living in poverty in Wales.
12 March 2020
This Welsh study aims to better understand how health and household environmental factors can predict early alcohol use in adolescence.
20 February 2020
This project will explore associations between mental health disorders and poor school outcomes using linked routinely collected health and education datasets of the Welsh population.