ADR Wales themed projects: Major Societal Challenges

Status: Active

Covid-19 will be the initial focus of this work stream, with an early focus on the Pandemic | Administrative Data Research (PAND|AR) project. PAND|AR will focus on the five harms approach, looking closely at both the direct and indirect harms arising from the Covid-19 pandemic on individuals, services and inequalities at a population-scale, and pandemic recovery.

Read more about the projects:

Evaluation of the Covid-19 vaccination rollout programme in Wales, and across the UK

This project aims to provide evidence on the coverage and timeliness of Covid-19 vaccinations. It will look at the:

  • uptake disparities for Covid-19 and influenza vaccinations between 2020 and 2021
  • risk of Covid-19 hospital admissions and deaths after Covid-19 autumn 2022 booster vaccinations
  • associations with under-vaccination against Covid-19 in the summer of 2022 and subsequent risk of Covid-19 hospital admission and deaths
  • trends in SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccination in school staff, students, and their household members from 2020-2022 in Wales.

Collectively, these questions will complement work taking place throughout the UK, which will aid monitoring and evaluation of vaccine equality.

Inequalities in severe health events following infection from Covid-19

This project will follow on from previous work that looked at health inequalities in Covid-19 deaths and hospital admissions in Wales. It will analyse admissions and deaths related to Covid-19, looking at the mediating factors for inequalities following Covid-19.

Covid-19 and Long Covid: What is the effect on inequalities within society?

This project will look at the prevalence and incidence of the long-term effects of Covid-19 in Wales with the aim of identifying if the effects vary across different population groups. The findings will provide evidence on the number of recorded cases of Long Covid in Wales, aiding understanding of the coding quality, completeness and useability of data for future research.

Categories: Research using linked data, ADR Wales, YDG Cymru, Health & wellbeing, Housing & communities, Inequality & social inclusion

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