Investigating socioeconomic, household, and environmental risk factors for Covid-19 in Scotland
Categories: Research using linked data, ADR Scotland, Health & wellbeing
14 July 2023
There is growing evidence that a range of factors may put some groups at greater risk in the Covid-19 pandemic. These may include types of occupation, household and housing conditions, or environmental factors such as exposure to air pollution. Such risk factors may help explain why the Covid-19 pandemic has disproportionately affected groups with lower socioeconomic status.
This study aims to use linked administrative data to enhance our understanding of non-health risk factors such as occupation, household, and environmental circumstances. It will help to inform future policies to support populations at higher risk.
The data
The project will use the following datasets:
- Community Health Index
- 2011 Census
- Primary and secondary care data
- Virology and serology data
- Mortality data
- Property data
- Environmental data
- Unique Property Reference Numbers
- HM Revenue and Customs data.
Potential of the research
This project will address the following key questions:
- What is the risk of adverse Covid-19 disease outcomes for particular subgroups in the population, defined by socioeconomic and household-level factors, or for selected combinations of these groups?
- Is there evidence that particular occupations and workplaces are associated with greater risk of infection and worse outcomes?
- Do pre-existing health conditions mediate the socioeconomic effect of adverse Covid-19 outcomes?
- Does the presence of school-age children in the household and other family members who are in high-risk occupations contribute to higher risk of adverse Covid-19 outcomes for those who are currently shielding?
- Are poor housing conditions, living in a property with a shared entrance (flats), and living in high-density population areas associated with an increased risk of adverse Covid-19 outcomes?
Project details
Project leads: Serena Pattaro, Professor Nick Bailey, Gina Anghelescu and Professor Chris Dibben
This project is funded by ADR Scotland via its core grant from the Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC) as an ADR UK partner.
Further details are available at the Scottish Centre for Administrative Data Research (SCADR) website.
Categories: Research using linked data, ADR Scotland, Health & wellbeing