Psychological stress and occupational groups

Status: Closed

This project aims to maximise the research impact of work from the Administrative Data Research Network, ADR UK’s predecessor.

This study looks at the social and family determinants of psychological stress in occupational groups in Northern Ireland. The main hypothesis for this study is that differences in the prevalence and types of common mental disorders (CMD) across occupational groupings will be detected. Secondly, the researchers hypothesise that the risk of CMD across occupation types is moderated by family demands and that they will detect a differential association of occupation and family demands on CMD between males and females.   

Key questions 

  1. What is the prevalence of CMD across occupation types, as categorised in the Standard Occupational Classification system?  

  2. What types of mental health conditions are associated with different occupation groupings?   

  3. What is the risk of mental ill health associated with different occupation types, controlling for other key socio-demographic, socio-economic, job-related and health related characteristics?  

  4. Do family demands moderate the relationship between occupation type and mental health outcomes? Does this profile differ for males and females?

  5. Is there variation in mental health between and within occupational groupings and are there differences in the association of key predictor variables for males and females?  

Project details

Project lead: Prof Gerard Leavey

Duration: Completed in 2024

Contact: ADRC NI office

Funding: This project was funded by ADR NI via its core grant from the Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC).

Categories: Research using linked data, ADR Northern Ireland, Health & wellbeing, Inequality & social inclusion, World of work

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