Scottish Historic Population Platform (SHiPP)

Status: Active

Categories: Data linkage programmes, ADR Scotland

11 August 2023

This project aims to create a research-ready database based on Scottish civil registration certificates of births, deaths, and marriages from 1855 to 1973.

The research team will develop and apply novel linkage techniques to link these historical certificates, reconstructing individuals’ life courses and generating family pedigrees (diagrams that show family histories). They will also link these certificates to the National Records for Scotland Population Spine, thereby allowing linkage to other administrative datasets. The resulting database will be called the Scottish Historic Population Platform (SHiPP).

The SHiPP database will be the first of its kind in the UK. It will be comparable to databases already established in Scandinavia and beyond. These include the Swedish Demographic Data Base, the Norwegian Historical Population Registers, the Historical Sample of the Netherlands, and the Utah Population Database.

The construction of the SHiPP database will allow historical longitudinal demographic research to be carried out at the individual level. It will additionally enable researchers to analyse multiple generations of micro-data, exploring the condition of the present Scottish population within the context of their families.

The data

The research will use the Scottish Statutory Registers of Births, Deaths, and Marriages (1855-1973).

Project details

Project lead: Professor Chris Dibben

Project team: Professor Peter ChristenEilidh GarrettCharini Nanayakkara, Lee Williamson, Sarah Hodge, Atreyi Saha

This project is funded by ADR Scotland via its core grant from the Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC) as an ADR UK partner.

Further details are available at the Scottish Centre for Administrative Data Research (SCADR) website.


Categories: Data linkage programmes, ADR Scotland

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