This pressing issue demands smart solutions, and enabling thorough research will allow us to understand both the small, individual changes that must be made, and the larger, top-down policy decisions that are needed for change to happen.
For example, ADR Northern Ireland is linking data to provide insights on the effect of air pollution on health and mortality, and is looking to investigate the effects of air pollution on infant health, including birth weight and general infant health. ADR Scotland is meanwhile constructing a ‘commuting’ dataset to explore how exposure to air pollution and car driving impact health, whilst ADR Wales is looking to explore data related to decarbonisation and sustainability in Wales, including active travel, as part of its work focusing on emerging government priorities and the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015.
ADR UK’s work linking data related to climate and sustainability across the UK will enable valuable insights to help the country on its way to achieving net zero emissions by 2050.
More in-depth information about the individual data linkage and research projects being undertaken within this theme can be explored below.
Climate & sustainability projects
ADR UK Research Fellows: Administrative Data | Agricultural Research Collection
9 January 2025
ADR UK is funding two Research Fellows to use the newly available Administrative Data | Agricultural Research Collection (AD|ARC) dataset to explore the socioeconomic characteristics and economic resilience of farming households. The successful Research Fellows, and the projects they carry out, are part of the ADR UK Fellowship programme, which promotes research using ADR UK flagship datasets.
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ADR UK PhD studentships cohort
24 October 2023
ADR UK is supporting 22 PhD studentships hosted by supervisors at Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Doctoral Training Partnerships (DTPs) across the UK. These PhD studentships will use ADR UK’s new linked flagship datasets to answer policy-relevant research questions.
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ADR Wales themed projects: Climate Change
8 September 2023
Projects under this ADR Wales theme will work with Welsh Government and other stakeholders to identify priority areas and harness the potential of de-identified administrative data within SAIL. They will generate evidence that can inform policy and help Wales achieve a fair and inclusive transition to net zero, where all of society and nature can thrive.
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Policy briefing: The health effects of long-term exposure to air pollution - New evidence from linked administrative data in Northern Ireland
Data Insight: Impact of technology investment on Northern Ireland's economy
Data Insight: Are farm households different? Some evidence from Wales
Data Insight: Exploring the complex relationship between legislation, policies and research: Built Environments And Child Health in WalEs and AuStralia (BEACHES)
Data Insights: The health and economic benefits of active commuting in Scotland (October 2020)