Collaboration is essential to unlocking the potential of administrative data for research in the public good. By forming strategic alliances with external organisations, we combine expertise, resources, and networks to drive innovation in data linkage and research.
Each organisation brings its own independent perspective and objectives, but we are united by a shared commitment to deliver data-driven outcomes that benefit society. These alliances, distinct from the core ADR UK partnership and our funded community projects, allow us to engage on specific initiatives or develop long-term efforts based on common interests.
Working together, we are creating a more powerful and interconnected research ecosystem, and amplifying the role of administrative data in shaping evidence-based policy and practice.
Learn more about our strategic alliances and the initiatives we are part of below.

DARE UK (Data and Analytics Research Environments UK)
The DARE UK programme brings together data owners, data analysts, technology experts, and the public to improve data infrastructures for better research outcomes in the UK. It is funded by UK Research and Innovation and led by Health Data Research UK and ADR UK.

Better Outcomes through Linked Data (BOLD)
BOLD is a collaboration led by the Ministry of Justice, between Welsh Government, Public Health Wales, SAIL Databank and UK Government departments. Initially the BOLD programme in Wales focused on substance misuse, and research projects have since broadened to consider mental health, homelessness, and looked after children. Find out more.

Cancer Research UK
Cancer Research UK is leading the Cancer Data Driven Detection (CD3) project with support from ADR UK, the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR), the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and Health Data Research UK. CD3 is a national research initiative dedicated to using data to revolutionise our understanding of cancer risk and allow early detection of cancers. Find out more.
UK Health Data Research Alliance
ADR UK is a member of the UK Health Data Research Alliance: an independent alliance of leading healthcare and research organisations united to establish best practice for the ethical use of UK health data for research at scale. The Alliance is convened by Health Data Research UK, the national institute for health data science.

The Public Engagement in Data Research Initiative (PEDRI)
ADR UK is a co-founding member of PEDRI, a sector-wide collaboration bringing together a range of organisations who work with data and statistics to generate insights that can inform policy and practice. PEDRI’s goal is to collaborate on establishing and driving forward best practice for public involvement and engagement with data research and to bring the views of the public to policymakers and data holders in a more impactful way. Other co-founders include Health Data Research UK, the Office for National Statistics, DARE UK, NHS England, and Research Data Scotland.

Office for Statistics Regulation
The Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR) is the independent regulatory arm of the UK Statistics Authority. The OSR provides independent regulation of all official statistics produced in the UK and supports public confidence in statistics and their use by government. In 2022, ADR UK partnered with the OSR to undertake a UK-wide public dialogue to explore public perceptions of ‘public good’ use of data for research and statistics. Read the report.