World of work
Over the average person’s lifetime in the UK, 84,000 hours will be spent at work. ADR UK aims to link administrative data to better understand this aspect of our lives.
Understanding this huge component of our lives can provide a window into the day-to-day reality of many and shed light on the underlying dynamics that influence important economic forces, such as the job market.
ADR UK is working with the University of the West of England on the Wage and Employment Dynamics (WED) data linkage project which sits within this theme. WED aims to provide rich and novel insights into the dynamics of earnings and employment in Great Britain. This project will bring together anonymised data from the Annual Survey of House and Earnings (ASHE), Inter-Departmental Business Register (IDBR), and the 2011 Census to better understand and improve current policy challenges, such as in-work poverty, the UK Gender Pay Gap, and the impact of the National Minimum Wage. The creation of this newly linked dataset will bypass limitations created by solely analysing survey data, or the datasets individually, thereby enabling researchers to broaden their scope and understanding of the labour market in Britain.
As part of the ‘Poverty and Fair Work’ programme, ADR Scotland is working to enable a better understanding of the functioning of the Scottish labour market and its interactions with the combined Scottish and UK welfare benefit systems. It also hopes to support the development of the Scottish Child Poverty Measurement Framework and policies to reduce child poverty, and to explore the relationship between employment and health. This stream of work will assess specific areas of work, social security and health outcomes in Scotland, informing Scottish policy developments (such as the Fairer Scotland Fund, the Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan, and the Single Gateway Scottish Health and Work Service), as well as addressing areas identified as analytical priorities by the DWP.
ADR Northern Ireland is linking data to generate novel insights into the health and educational attainment of Northern Irish farmers, as well as factors associated with economic inactivity in the country in general; whilst ADR Wales is working to link data which will enable deeper investigation of the progression from post-statutory school age education, as well as pathways into employment in Wales.
More in-depth information about the individual data linkage and research projects being undertaken within this theme can be explored below.
World of work projects
ADR UK Research Fellows: Administrative Data | Agricultural Research Collection
9 January 2025
ADR UK is funding two Research Fellows to use the newly available Administrative Data | Agricultural Research Collection (AD|ARC) dataset to explore the socioeconomic characteristics and economic resilience of farming households. The successful Research Fellows, and the projects they carry out, are part of the ADR UK Fellowship programme, which promotes research using ADR UK flagship datasets.
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ADR UK Research Fellows: Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings linked to PAYE and Self-Assessment data
9 January 2025
ADR UK is funding an 18-month Research Fellowship to use a new linked dataset combining the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) with PAYE (Pay As You Earn) and Self-Assessment data from His Majesty's Revenue & Customs (HMRC). The project is the result of an ADR UK Fellowship opportunity which invited applications to carry out research using eligible ADR England flagship datasets.
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ADR UK Research Fellows: Longitudinal Education Outcomes
5 November 2024
ADR UK is funding four Research Fellowships to analyse the Longitudinal Education Outcomes (LEO) dataset. These projects will generate novel insights around people’s pathways through education and work, with the potential to inform policy decision-making and improve public outcomes. The projects are a result of ADR UK Fellowship opportunities which invited applications to carry out research using eligible ADR England flagship datasets.
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World of work news
How pay gaps research is informing policy in Northern Ireland
Migration patterns of nurses and midwives
This year's highlights: ADR Scotland - exploring kinship care and building pathways for researchers
This year's highlights: ADR Northern Ireland - understanding pay gaps and improving outcomes for the prison population
The Education Outcomes Linkage 2018/19-2021/22 dataset is now available from ADR Northern Ireland
Recording: ADR UK Researcher Symposium - Exploring experiences of education through administrative data research
Data Insight: What can data tell us about wages in the Western Gateway Area?
Labour market differences between immigrant and UK-born employees: What is the role of employers?
Data Insight: External sales behaviour of Northern Ireland businesses: A focus on 10X sectors
Data Insight: Firm-level analysis of NI trade: A focus on 10X priority clusters