4 results:

Information session: Cross Government Income Administrative Dataset 2019/20

Information session: Cross Government Income Administrative Dataset 2019/20 The NISRA Research Support Unit is hosting an information session for researchers and other interested parties who wish to…

Information session: Northern Ireland Census 2021 Comprehensive Microdata

Information session: Northern Ireland Census 2021 Comprehensive Microdata The NISRA Research Support Unit is hosting an information session for researchers and other interested parties who wish to…

ONS Research Excellence Series: Co-producing data-driven research with historically excluded groups

ONS Research Excellence Series: Co-producing data-driven research with historically excluded groups This presentation will introduce the ADRC NI model for co-production, which was piloted with care…

Public data for public good: Towards a better understanding of children's lives online seminar

Public data for public good: Towards a better understanding of children's lives online seminar This is an online joint seminar led by members of ADR Scotland, ADR Northern Ireland and ADR Wales,…