Addressing inequality? The Provision of Careers Guidance in Welsh Schools Rhys Davies is academic lead for the ADR Wales’ skills and employability research theme, and Co-Director of…
Additional funding announced for project exploring children's outcomes in Scotland New funding has been announced for an ADR Scotland research programme on Understanding Children’s Lives and…
How the Ministry of Justice is taking steps to get questions answered and improve the justice system In this guest blog, Helen Miller-Bakewell from the Office for Statistics Regulation OSR…
ADR Wales Covid-19 response: Children living in shielded households This is part of a series of analyses looking at those on the shielded list during the Covid-19 pandemic in Wales in June…
First analysis of Growing Up in England dataset provides insight into educational attainment and household composition The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has published the first research output…
Born into Care: New study highlights vulnerabilities of pregnant women in Wales New report using data acquired by ADR Wales reveals that pregnant women in Wales at risk of their babies being taken…
ADR Wales academics lead cross-national project on impact of built environment on children A project that will look at how the built environment effects child health and obesity in Australia and…
Expert team appointed to test potential of MoJ-DfE linked dataset A team of researchers led by Dr Rosie Cornish has been appointed to lead a feasibility study on the use of the MoJ-DfE linked dataset…
ADR UK enables vital research in response to Covid-19 crisis ADR UK partners are playing an important role in enabling vital research in response to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, helping to mitigate…
New study shows notable regional differences in drug-related mortality in Northern Ireland Recent work by NISRA (ADR Northern Ireland) researchers using the linked Northern Ireland Mortality Study…