109 results:

Engaging children and young people in Scotland

Engaging children and young people in Scotland This week ADR Scotland announced a pilot project in partnership with Children in Scotland on engaging children and young people with data. This week ADR…

How school attendance data could play a crucial role in targeting mental health support for pupils

How school attendance data could play a crucial role in targeting mental health support for pupils In a new Data Insight, Professor Ann John of ADR Wales examines the association of school absence…

How local area deprivation can affect childhood outcomes

How local area deprivation can affect childhood outcomes A new Data Insight from an ADR Wales examines factors in the local area that can help a child overcome the negative impact of poverty. A new…

Growing up in kinship care: Exploring the needs, experiences, and outcomes of formal kinship care

Growing up in kinship care: Exploring the needs, experiences, and outcomes of formal kinship care In his blog, Dr. Robert Porter highlights how ADR Scotland’s upcoming work will explore the needs,…

New insight on the origins of disadvantage in the Welsh labour market

New insight on the origins of disadvantage in the Welsh labour market In a new Data Insight report, researchers from ADR Wales have explored how the data collected from pupils about their career…

Latest output from Data First is ready to provide insight into family court system

Latest output from Data First is ready to provide insight into family court system As of this week, accredited researchers can apply to use a new dataset linking de-identified data from the…

Teenagers in care proceedings have more frequent health service use than their peers

Teenagers in care proceedings have more frequent health service use than their peers A new report has found that young people entering care proceedings have a higher use of both primary and secondary…

Linking education and hospital data in England: new publication demonstrates ECHILD linkage process and quality

Linking education and hospital data in England: new publication demonstrates ECHILD linkage process and quality A new publication from the ECHILD research team, ‘Linking education and hospital data…

Funding opportunity: ADR UK welcomes applications for GRading and Admissions Data for England (GRADE) Research Fellowships

Funding opportunity: ADR UK welcomes applications for GRading and Admissions Data for England (GRADE) Research Fellowships [NOW CLOSED] We are accepting applications for 12-month Research Fellowships…

Public views on the use of personal identifiers for linking diabetes and education data for research

Public views on the use of personal identifiers for linking diabetes and education data for research A report showcasing the findings of a public and patient workshop with people living with type 1…