80 results:

AD|ARC – Forging and strengthening a UK-wide administrative data research network

AD|ARC – Forging and strengthening a UK-wide administrative data research network Nicholas Webster is a Senior Analyst for the Administrative Data | Agricultural Research Collection. Here he…

Funding opportunity coming soon: Evaluation Accelerator Fund

Funding opportunity coming soon: Evaluation Accelerator Fund ADR UK is working with the Evaluation Task Force to support the academic delivery route for the Evaluation Accelerator Fund. ADR UK is…

AD|ARC: ADR Scotland working in partnership to deliver a UK-wide data linking project

AD|ARC: ADR Scotland working in partnership to deliver a UK-wide data linking project Dave Grzybowski, Team Leader of the Scottish Government Data Acquisition Team in ADR Scotland, discusses how…

New insight on the origins of disadvantage in the Welsh labour market

New insight on the origins of disadvantage in the Welsh labour market In a new Data Insight report, researchers from ADR Wales have explored how the data collected from pupils about their career…

An investigation into racial bias in court case outcomes in England and Wales

An investigation into racial bias in court case outcomes in England and Wales In her blog, ADR UK Research Fellow Angela Sorsby, describes how she is using de-identified, research-ready data made…

Local Data Spaces pilot demonstrates importance of local-level data and analysis to inform local decision making

Local Data Spaces pilot demonstrates importance of local-level data and analysis to inform local decision making Findings from the ADR UK-funded Local Data Spaces pilot study demonstrate the…

AD|ARC: Linking Government data to support Farming in Scotland

AD|ARC: Linking Government data to support Farming in Scotland

AD|ARC: Linking Government data to support Farming in Scotland Alastair McAlpine, Senior Statistician in the Scottish Government’s Rural and Environmental Sciences and Analytical Services division,…

ADR UK projects continue to inform UK’s Covid-19 response

ADR UK projects continue to inform UK’s Covid-19 response Administrative data research facilitated by ADR UK partners has been crucial in informing UK and devolved government responses to the ongoing…

Covid-19 impact analysis reports for all local authorities in England are now available online

Covid-19 impact analysis reports for all local authorities in England are now available online A series of reports using local data to analyse the impacts of Covid-19 are now accessible for all local…

ADR UK-sponsored event explores the importance of data in responding to Covid-19 both locally and nationally

ADR UK-sponsored event explores the importance of data in responding to Covid-19 both locally and nationally Yesterday (5 May 2021), ADR UK sponsored the nineteenth instalment of the Institute for…