ADR England Research Community Catalyst: Youth Transitions This project aims to build a research landscape informed by existing research and evidence gaps in the field of youth transitions. It…
ADR England Research Community Catalyst: Children at Risk of Poor Outcomes This project will build a community of researchers and analysts focused on children and young people supported by early…
Research Fellows using ADR England flagship datasets ADR UK is funding six Research Fellows for 18 months to conduct research and analysis demonstrating the policy impact potential of ADR…
Department for Education: Data Access and Engagement Programme This ADR England project is funding the Department for Education (DfE) to make it easier and faster for accredited researchers to gain…
ADR UK Research Fellows: The first users of the Data First probation and criminal justice linked datasets ADR UK is funding two Research Fellows for 12 months to conduct analysis using the newly…
Local Data Spaces: Helping Local Authorities tackle the Covid-19 pandemic ADR UK is funding an initiative to help local authorities across England harness crucial data in the fight against the…
Administrative Data | Agricultural Research Collection: Enhancing the prosperity and wellbeing of farm households ADR UK is working in partnership with a group of academic and government bodies to…
Shaping and testing the GUIE dataset: Roma, Gypsy and Traveller children case study This project aims to shape, test and demonstrate the value of the newly linked Growing Up in England (GUIE) dataset…
Data First: Harnessing the potential of linked administrative data for the justice system Data First is an ambitious data-linking programme led by MoJ that aims to harness the potential of the wealth…
Wage and employment dynamics in Britain This data linkage project is bringing together data about employee earnings, UK businesses, and 2011 Census data to provide important new insights into the…