7 results:

Labour market differences between immigrant and UK-born employees: What is the role of employers?

Labour market differences between immigrant and UK-born employees: What is the role of employers? This Data Insight explores the impact of employers on labour market differences between immigrant and…

Data Insight: How common is low pay in Britain and is it declining?

Data Insight: How common is low pay in Britain and is it declining? This Data Insight examines the incidence of low pay in Britain over the period 2004-2021 using two indicators that are the focus of…

The LEO dataset: Key messages from stakeholders (March 2023)

The LEO dataset: Key messages from stakeholders (March 2023) This report highlights key messages from stakeholders on the potential of the Longitudinal Education Outcomes (LEO) dataset to inform the…

Feasibility study exploring the potential to link administrative education data to the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings

Feasibility study exploring the potential to link administrative education data to the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings This feasibility study is part of the Wage and Employment Dynamics (WED)…

The WED linked dataset: Key messages from stakeholders (December 2021)

The WED linked dataset: Key messages from stakeholders (December 2021) This report highlights key messages from stakeholders from charitable foundations, equalities groups, recruiters, trade unions…

Wage & Employment Dynamics Public Engagement Strategy Group Terms of Reference

Wage & Employment Dynamics Public Engagement Strategy Group Terms of Reference Terms of Reference for the Wage & Employment Dynamics (WED) Public Engagement Strategy Group (June 2021), which works…

Using ASHE to examine trends in low pay: initial exploration of the data (WED policy paper, November 2020)

Using ASHE to examine trends in low pay: initial exploration of the data (WED policy paper, November 2020) This is the first policy paper by researchers from the Wage & Employment Dynamics project.…