Young person's Data Insight: Childhood contact with social services and self-harm in young adulthood This study looks at young adults in Northern Ireland (NI) and their risk of presenting to hospital…
The mental health of all children in contact with social services: Young person's version of a research paper This study looks at the mental health of all children (aged 17 years or less) in Northern…
Understanding and addressing educational underachievement: New evidence from linked administrative data in Northern Ireland This policy brief explores educational underachievement according to GCSE…
Data Insights: The influence of a pupil’s socio-demographic profile and school factors on GCSE attainment outcomes (February 2021) This study examines socio-demographic and school level predictors of…
Drug-related deaths in Northern Ireland: Socio-demographic analyses (March 2020) Findings from research by NISRA (ADR Northern Ireland) provide novel, socio-demographic insights into drug-related…