Data Insight: New evidence on gender pay gaps in Great Britain This Data Insight presents new evidence on the size of the gender pay gap in Great Britain. This Data Insight by the Wage and Employment…
Data Insight: How many jobs, how much earned? This Data Insight by the Wage and Employment Dynamics team explores the number of jobs and the earnings that employees receive over the course of a year.…
Differences between estimates of Welsh language ability in Census 2021 and household surveys This report, produced by ADR Wales in partnership with the Welsh Government and the Office for National…
School staff vaccination uptake: February 2022 This report, produced by ADR Wales in partnership with the Welsh Government, analyses the School Workforce Annual Census and the Research Ready Data…
EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS): A review of the literature This report, produced by ADR Wales in partnership with the Welsh Government, examines and summarises published literature relating to the…
Data Insight: How common is low pay in Britain and is it declining? This Data Insight examines the incidence of low pay in Britain over the period 2004-2021 using two indicators that are the focus of…
Feasibility study exploring the potential to link administrative education data to the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings This feasibility study is part of the Wage and Employment Dynamics (WED)…
Wage & Employment Dynamics Public Engagement Strategy Group Terms of Reference Terms of Reference for the Wage & Employment Dynamics (WED) Public Engagement Strategy Group (June 2021), which works…
Using ASHE to examine trends in low pay: initial exploration of the data (WED policy paper, November 2020) This is the first policy paper by researchers from the Wage & Employment Dynamics project.…