Data Insight: Enforced alcohol abstinence: does it reduce reoffending? This Data Insight draws on Ministry of Justice Data First magistrates’ courts and probation datasets to examine how alcohol-treat
Data Insight: Childhood educational predictors of re-offending trajectories This Data Insight examines the feasibility of using childhood educational information to develop predictive models of re-off
ADR England Research Community Catalyst: Youth Transitions This project aims to build a research landscape informed by existing research and evidence gaps in the field of youth transitions. It provide
ADR England Research Community Catalyst: Children at Risk of Poor Outcomes This project will build a community of researchers and analysts focused on children and young people supported by early inter
Data Insight: Deciding to have a Crown Court jury trial for a theft offence: Consequences, and relationships with ethnicity This Data Insight investigates the consequences of a defendant electing to h
Data Insight: Changes in school performance and involvement in the criminal justice system This Data Insight investigates changes in school performance and subsequent involvement in the criminal just
Reflections on using administrative data to evaluate justice services Dr Georgina Mathlin is undertaking a Cabinet Office-funded Evaluation Fellowship at the Ministry of Justice (MoJ), a jointly led o
Animation: Improving our society through administrative data research This animated video, developed as part of an ADR UK Research Fellowship project, explains what administrative data is, how researc
Ministry of Justice Data First team wins award for outstanding collaboration across government and academia The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) Data First team has been awarded the Analysis in Government Co